Introducing “SECOND SKIN PROTECTION” a new approach for elbow guards different,- because it grew himself. Starting from data generation translated into generative design which turned into a production ready design.


What is generative design?

Generative Design in body protection.

Generative design is a biological based algorithmic design software. EDERA SAFETY uses it to help customers make informed an unbiased engineering / design decisions based on the outcome. By being specialists in the hardware in the loop process means products can effectively redesign themselves based on the constraints and the external feedback input. 

Generative Design helps steer the design team with its many interations and outcomes that may previously not have been thought of. 

Core Benefits:

  • Reduce time to market period

  • Unbiased problem solving

  • Based on real world input and constraints

  • Re- Input data to make a more accurate product generation

  • Steerable manufacturing methods 


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